Partidas Arcades

Partidas a juegos arcade terminadas con un sólo crédito y subidas a nuestro canal de Youtube.


Art of Fighting / Ryūko no Ken Ryo
Art of Fighting 3 – The Path of the Warrior Jin Fu-Ha
Art of Fighting 3 – The Path of the Warrior (Korean release) Robert García
Beach Festival World Championship 1997
Beastorizer (USA) Gado
Beastorizer (USA) Greg
Beastorizer (USA) Long
Beastorizer (USA) Mitsuko
Beastorizer (USA) Yugo
Beastorizer (USA Bootleg) Alice
Big Karnak
Breakers Sho
Breakers Condor
Breakers Rila
Breakers Revenge Condor
Breakers Revenge Sho
Cameltry (US) Fácil
Capcom Bowling (set 1)
Capcom Sports Club
Competition Golf Final Round (old version) 1er puesto
Competition Golf Final Round (revision 3)
Contra (US)
Double Dragon (US)
Dragon Ball Z Burtta no miss
Dragon Ball Z 2 – Super Battle Vegeta
Eagle Shot Golf
Empire City: 1931 (US)
Fatal Fury – King of Fighters Andy Bogard
Fatal Fury – King of Fighters Joe Higashi no miss
Fatal Fury – King of Fighters Terry Bogard
Fighting Layer (FTL0/VER.A) Blair Dame
Garou – Mark of the Wolves (set 1) Khushnood Butt
Garou – Mark of the Wolves (set 1) Rock Howard
Goal! Goal! Goal! Alemania (4-4-2)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Arabia Saudí (3-4-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Argentina (3-4-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Bélgica (4-3-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Bolivia (4-2-4)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Brasil (3-4-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Bulgaria (3-4-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Colombia (3-4-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Camerún (3-4-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Corea del Sur (3-4-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! España (4-2-4)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Estados Unidos (4-3-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Francia (4-4-2)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Grecia (3-4-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Holanda (3-4-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Inglaterra (3-4-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Irlanda (4-2-4)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Italia (4-3-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Japón (4-4-2)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Marruecos (4-2-4)
Goal! Goal! Goal! México (3-4-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Nigeria (5-3-2)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Noruega (4-3-3)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Rumanía (4-2-4)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Rusia (4-2-4)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Suecia (3-5-2)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Suiza (5-3-2)
Goal! Goal! Goal! Uruguay (4-2-4)
Golden Axe (set 2, US, 8751 317-0112) Ax Battler (no miss)
Golden Axe (set 4, Japan, FD1094 317-0121) Gilius Thunderhead (no damage)
Golden Axe (set 6, US, 8751 317-123A) Tyris Flare (no miss, no magia)
Hard Yardage (v1.2)
(J-League) Prime Goal EX
Kung-Fu Master Primer loop
Kung-Fu Master (bootleg set 2) Primer loop
Martial Champion (ver EAB ) Jin
Marvel Super Heroes (Asia 951024) Captain America
Marvel Super Heroes (Asia 951024) Shuma-Gorath
Marvel Super Heroes (Hispanic 951117) Iron Man
Marvel Super Heroes (Hispanic 951117) Spider-Man
Marvel Super Heroes (Japan 951024) Juggernaut
Marvel Super Heroes (Japan 951024) Psylocke
Marvel Super Heroes (US 951024) Hulk
Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter (Japan 970702) Hulk + Gouki
Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter (Japan 970702) Norimaro + Cyclops
Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter (Japan 970707) Sakura + Captain America
Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter (US 970625) Blackheart + Ken
Marvel Super Heroes VS Street Fighter (US 970827) Chun-Li + Ryu
Marvel VS Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (US 980123) Ryu + War Machine
Mega Man – The Power Battle Mega Man (1-2) Arm Cannon
Metal Slug 6 (Metal Slug 3 bootleg)
Mogura Desse Primer crédito
Monkey Donkey Primer loop
Monster Farm Jump (JAPAN) Fácil – Roocho
Mortal Kombat (rev 5.0 -Unit 03/19/93) Kano
Neo Drift Out – New Technology Toyota Celica
Neo-Geo Cup ’98 – The Road to the Victory Torneo África (España)
Neo-Geo Cup ’98 – The Road to the Victory Torneo Américas (España)
Neo-Geo Cup ’98 – The Road to the Victory Torneo Asia (España)
Neo-Geo Cup ’98 – The Road to the Victory Torneo Europa (España)
Neo-Geo Cup ’98 – The Road to the Victory Torneo mundial (España)
Neo-Geo Cup ’98 – The Road to the Victory Torneo Sudamérica (España)
Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf Alemania – Toyoshige Takeno
Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf Australia – Fernando Almeida
Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf Japón – George Spinner
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers’ Revenge (US 950406) Bishamon
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers’ Revenge (US 950406) Demitri
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers’ Revenge (US 950406) Huitzil
Ninja Master’s – Haoh ninpo cho Natsume
Operation Wolf (US)
Pang! 3 Beginner
(PlayChoice-10) Kung Fu
POWER SPIKES / Super Volley ’91 (bootleg)
POWER SPIKES / Super Volley ’91 (Korea)
POWER SPIKES / Super Volley ’91 (World)
Power Spikes / SUPER VOLLEY ’91 (Japan)
Premier Soccer (ver EAB)
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special Kim Kaphwan
Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 The Newcomers Mai Shiranui
Rival Schools: United by Fate (USA 971117) Justice HS (Hideo y Kioko)
Run and Gun (ver EAA 1993 10.8) San Antonio
Samurai Shodown / Samurai Spirits Earthquake
Samurai Shodown V Special (set 1, uncensored) Zankuro (final malo 1)
Shuuz (version 8.0)
Splatterhouse (World)
Street Fighter II – The World Warrior (Japan 910214) Guile (no miss)
Street Fighter II – The World Warrior (Japan 910306) Zangief (no miss)
Street Fighter II – The World Warrior (Japan 911210) Chun Li (no miss)
Street Fighter II – The World Warrior (US 910206) Ryu (no miss)
Street Fighter II – The World Warrior (US 910411) Ken (no miss)
Street Fighter II – The World Warrior (US 910522) Dhalsim (no miss)
Street Fighter II – The World Warrior (US 911101) E. Honda (no miss)
Street Fighter II – The World Warrior (World 910214) Blanka (no miss)
Street Fighter II – The World Warrior (World 910214) Ken (no miss sólo puño débil)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (Subdue the Dragon set 1) Ryu
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (US 920513) Vega (+1M puntos)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (US 920803) Vega (+1M puntos)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (World 920313) Balrog (no miss)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (World 920313) Blanka (no miss)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (World 920313) Chun Li (no miss)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (World 920313) Dhalsim (no miss)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (World 920313) E. Honda (no miss)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (World 920313) Guile (no miss)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (World 920313) Ken (no miss)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (World 920313) M. Bison (no miss)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (World 920313) Ryu (no miss)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (World 920313) Sagat (no miss)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (World 920313) Vega (no miss)
Street Fighter II’ – Champion Edition (World 920313) Zangief (no miss)
Street Fighter II’ – Hyper Fighting (World 921209) Ryu
Street Fighter II’ Turbo – Hyper Fighting (Japan 921209) Ken
Street Fighter III: New Generation Ken (hardest no miss)
Street Fighter III: New Generation Sean (hardest no miss)
Street Fighter III: New Generation Elena
Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack Necro
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors’ Dreams (Euro 950727) Ken (Turbo) (no miss)
Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors’ Dreams (Euro 950727) Ryu (Turbo) (no miss)
Street Fighter Zero (Japan 950605) Sagat (Turbo) (no miss)
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (US 960306) Akuma
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (US 960306) Charlie
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (US 960306) Ryu
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980904) Akuma (X-ISM)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980904) Blanka (X-ISM)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980904) Chun Li (X-ISM)
Street Fighter Alpha 3 (US 980904) Ken (A-ISM)
Street Fighter EX (ASIA 961219) Chun Li
Street Fighter EX (Japan 961130) Ken
Street Fighter EX (USA 961219) Zangief
STREET HOOP / Street Slam / Dunk Dream España
Street Hoop / STREET SLAM / Dunk Dream Los Angeles
Street Hoop / Street Slam / DUNK DREAM Japón
Street Hoop / Street Slam / DUNK DREAM Taiwán
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (US 960620) Donovan (normal)
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (US 960620) Morrigan (fácil)
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (US 930911) Zangief (no miss)
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Japan 930910) M. Bison (no miss)
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Japan 930911) T. Hawk (no miss)
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 930911) Guile (no miss)
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 930911) Ken (no miss)
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 930911) Chun Li (no miss)
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 930911) Chun Li (hardest, no miss, no sp moves)
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 930911) Ryu (no miss)
Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 930911) Vega (no miss)
Survival Arts (World) Viper
SvC Chaos – SNK VS Capcom (JAMMA PCB) Ken
Tecmo Bowl (World?)
Tekken (TE4/VER.C) Nina
Tetris Plus Puzzle (Fácil)
The King of Fighters ’94 Korea
The King of Fighters ’95 Art of Fighting
The King of Fighters ’96 Psycho Soldiers
The King of Fighters ’97 (set 1) Ikari Team
The King of Fighters ’97 (set 1) Korea Team
The King of Fighters ’97 (set 1) Psycho Soldiers
The King of Fighters ’97 (set 2) Art of Fighting
The King of Fighters ’97 (set 2) Hero Team
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest Art of Fighting (KOF ’94)
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest Fatal Fury (alternativo)
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest Hero Team
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest Ikari Team
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest Korea Team
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest Mai, King y Chizuru
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest New Faces
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest Outlaw Team
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest Oyaji Team
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest Psycho Soldiers
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest USA Sports
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest Yagami Team
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest SNK Heroes Team
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest Shingo Team
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest Baseball Team
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest No.2 Team
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest (Korean board)
The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest (not encrypted)
The King of Fighters ’99 (set 1) Art of Fighting
The King of Fighters ’99 (set 1) Fatal Fury
The King of Fighters ’99 (set 1) Hero Team
The King of Fighters ’99 (set 1) Ikari Warriors
The King of Fighters ’99 (set 1) Kim (Korea)
The King of Fighters ’99 (set 1) King, Kasumi, Xiangfei, Blue Mary
The King of Fighters ’99 (set 1) Psycho Soldiers
The King of Fighters 2000 Korea
The King of Fighters 2001 (set 1) Goro (no miss)
The King of Fighters 2002 Magic Plus II (bootleg) Art of Fighting
The King of Fighters 2003 (Japan, JAMMA PCB) Art of Fighting (Final: Adel)
The Kung-Fu Master Jackie Chan Lau (no miss)
Thunder Cross
Versus Net Soccer (ver EAD) Inglaterra (horizontal)
Versus Net Soccer (ver EAD) Italia (vertical)
Virtua NBA Utah Jazz
World Heroes (set 1) Death Match – Dragon
World Heroes (set 1) Death Match – Rasputin
World Heroes (set 1) Normal – Janne
World Heroes 2 Jet The forgiven of warriors – Fuuma
World Heroes Perfect Captain Kidd
World Rally Championship -Carlos Sainz-
X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950105) Iceman
X-Men: Children of the Atom (USA 950105) Akuma
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 960910) Charlie + Rogue
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 960910) Storm + Cammy
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (US 961004) Ken + Wolverine
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (US 961023) Dhalsim + Juggernaut
X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (US 961023) Gambit + Ryu