Partidas Super Nintendo

Battle Pinball Tabla Fighter Roar
Double Dragon V The Shadow Falls Quest mode, hardest, Sekka
Dragon Ball Z Super Butounden 2 Nivel 4 GohanPiccoloTrunksVegeta
Euro Football Champion Alemania
Fatal Fury Special Nivel 8 Terry BogardJoe Higashi
Final Fight 3 Normal GuyHaggar
F-Zero Knight League, beginner Golden Fox
F-Zero Queen League, beginner Blue Falcon
King of Dragons Fighter, con continuaciones ofrecidas
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers – The Fighting Edition Thunder MegaZord
NBA Give’n Go Playoffs 1-1-1-1 Seattle Supersonics
NBA Give’n Go Liga completa Cleveland Cavaliers (todavía en curso)lista de reproducción
Ranma 1/2 Hard Battle Ranma (chico), Expert no miss (30 segundos / ronda)
Street Combat Fácil
Street Fighter II The World Warrior Nivel 7, no miss RyuE.HondaBlankaKenDhalsim
Super Mario Kart 50cc
Tetris Battle Gaiden Battlis, Shaman
Virtual Soccer Copa Continental, Portugal